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Eagle Vision Airgun Technology (AGT) Vixen 1/2" UNF Silencer Adapter



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The AGT Vixen is quite easily one of the best and most popular airguns on the market. There is however one issue. The sound when shooting. 


As a compromise for such a high-quality gun, you do have to live with its noise... Or do you? You may have seen some owners have managed to attach a secondary silencer to the vixen quieting it down considerably. Well, let us introduce you to the one you probably should opt for... 


Eagle Vision first started by pioneering an affordable GoPro-based Scope camera mount; this gained them quite a recognised brand and reputation. With this many shooters started to approach eagle vision to develop new engineering solutions.


So now with the advent of the Vixen's massive popularity, Eagle Vision has released their version of the adapter, A beautifully engineered adapter with a variety of fixtures ready to convert your rifle. It even comes with that eye-catching thread protector for when you're not using a silencer.


Kit includes:

  • Thread Adapter Plate
  • Thread protector 
  • 5 machine screws with nuts (one spare)
  • Spare Baffle O-rings just in case you damage yours.
  • Allen Key 
  • Baffle Removal Pins (last resort use 90 degree circlip pliers instead to avoid damage)


Please note that the fitting of this silencer adapter required modifying existing parts, as such fitting this part will void your warranty

Tools you will need:



1 - Remove the barrel shroud

This can be done by first securing the body of the rifle and turning the entire tube counterclockwise. Once off the threads, the shroud will slip off the barrel.


2 - Dissasemble the silencers front section

Using the circlip pliers locate the pliers pins into 2 of the 4 holes on the front silencer. Use this as a fixed point and then turn the barrel of the silencer counterclockwise. Be slow but firm, as if you go too fast at it you run the risk of damaging the original holes of the silencer - If the baffle does not start to unscrew, you may need to use a heat gun or hair dryer to loosen the adhesive on bonded silencers. Once Unscrewed set the barrel aside


3 - Drill the front 4 holes of the front baffle assembly

With the baffle assembly (pictured above) secured in a suitable vice with grip protectors so as not to damage the baffle. Begin drilling through the 4 premade holes at the top of the baffle using the 3mm metal drill bit. Use a slow speed to avoid causing unnecessary damage to the baffle.  


4 - Fitting the Adapter

The adapter can now be lined up with the 4 holes you have just drilled. You can then drop the bolts through the holes and secure them with the included nuts on the other side of the face plate. 


5 - Reinstall the baffle

Ensuring the O-rings are still present on the baffle, insert it back into the silencers barrel/tube. If you have damaged the baffles o-rings you can replace them with the ones from the kit. then slowly turn the unit clockwise into the silencer.


6 - Reinstall the silencer

Once all tightened, you can now reinstall the silencer onto the gun, slowly slide it down the length of the barrel and tighten it clockwise. Do not overtighten as this can unscrew the baffle from the tube. Always make sure that there is a gap between the back of the silencer and the front of the gun's main block.


7 - Fit a suitable silencer

always remember that the design of the silencer may influence your gun's performance, too long of a silencer can cause clipping, yet too small of a silencer will have no effect. Ensure you test multiple ones for clipping and then choose the best-performing one whilst ensuring that your gun is still accurate. You will need to re-zero your scope


If you have any issues, you can contact Eagle Vision directly


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