Important Information
Scroll down for basket after reading the below information
To expedite the shipping process for your order, we kindly request the following information:
Age Verification: As many of our items are age-restricted, please provide a copy of your ID. We are unable to ship age-restricted items such as Pellets, Fireworks, Blades, or items containing restricted products without confirming your age. Click here to see the Restricted Item List. Simply reply to your order confirmation email with a copy of your ID to expedite this process.
Transfer Details for Restricted Items: If you have ordered an Airgun (including paintball markers), Silencer, or any other restricted item and are not within our local delivery area, please provide us with the details of your chosen Registered Firearms Dealer (RFD). This is necessary for us to transfer your order to them for collection.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please send the required information to If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to fulfilling your order promptly.